Entity Framework Supports Compact Framework in Visual Studio Designer

When using Compact Framework DB’s (*.sdf) the only way to use them with LINQ to SQL is to run SqlMetal and then add the *.dbml to your project.  However, with the ADO.NET Entity Framework, which shipped in .NET 3.5 SP1, you can create an *.edmx in Visual Studio, just like a SQL Server database.

Published by Joe Mayo

Author and independent software consultant. Specializing in Microsoft .NET technology. #ai #botframework #chatbots

2 thoughts on “Entity Framework Supports Compact Framework in Visual Studio Designer

  1. I’m just getting started with LINQ and the Entity Framework.  I’m finding that I can create a *.edmx file in a windows project, but not in a device (CF) project.  I’ve tried copying the edmx file created in the windows project to my device project, but the compiler objects to various syntax that I guess the CF does not support.

  2. Thanks Stuart – that’s good to know and I should clarify my implementation.  I’m using the *.sdf in a WPF app to be launched via Click-Once and needed something very lightweight.

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